Following an August interview (read here), I received an inquiry if I was willing to answer a few questions for a Wake County Public School student, claiming to be enrolled at Cary Academy. Attached is the instructor's description, vetting of the assignment and verification of the student, followed by Q&A between myself and 10th grade student, Isabella Nesbeth.
Nesbeth: Do you feel that the government blames you for some of its segregation issues? What blame do you feel from the government and the system?
Humphries: The role of government is to protect the Rights of the People. Politicians and their following may seek to blame people with certain skin colors for achievement dilemmas, but diminishing a person for his skin color should never be normal or acceptable. The NC Constitution holds every student in the state has the right to a public education, but know many refuse the district schools because of the lack of values and influx of controversial material being taught in classrooms.
Nesbeth: Do you think the government should stop trying to desegregate schools or do you think that should they try in a different way? What are some ways that they could deintegrate schools?
Humphries: School choice should be encouraged. While I don't believe new Public Charter schools are popping up in North Carolina to segregate, many elected officials are projecting this narrative. Wake County School Board members have been found in the community talking politics in Wake schools promoting this divisive idea after hours in conjunction with ultra-left group Public Schools First of NC; charters segregate communities. As a parent who has chosen Public Charter schools for my family, this is hurtful and disturbing. Consider the trend in NC education; parents want school choice. This means, if the district school isn't working out, then parents may turn to other options in which they've also invested, such as public charter schools. Other educational freedoms available to NC families could include home, private, virtual, hybrid and boarding school. Parents are charged with choosing what's best for their children everyday and should not stop choosing when it comes to a good education. The Wake Board of Education cannot possibly know what's best for every child. The board is motivated by money coming into the system.
Nesbeth: Why do you believe charter schools are better than public schools if they are still technical ran by the state?
Humphries: Choices are important. When schools show they cannot provide a safe environment, parents should seek educational opportunities which are safe. Charters could be better and compare to district schools if the districts collaborated with bussing needs, as is done with Southeast Pave Charter School. We choose what we prefer in every aspect of our lives, such as shoes, laptops and cars. Why give your freedom to choose to someone who doesn't have the slightest clue about your academic needs, capabilities or interests?
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